America reaches out to the world, ignoring Trump

[vc_row][vc_column width=»1/3″][rs_special_text tag=»div» align=»left» font_weight=»700″ font_size=»20px» line_height=»1.5em» font_color=»#0a0a0a»]Story Highlights[/rs_special_text][rs_space lg_device=»10″ md_device=»» sm_device=»» xs_device=»»][rs_special_text tag=»div» align=»left» font_weight=»700″ font_size=»16px» line_height=»1.5em» font_color=»#666666″] French voters will head to the polls Sunday in race between Macron [/rs_special_text][rs_space lg_device=»5″ md_device=»» sm_device=»» xs_device=»»][rs_special_text tag=»div» align=»left» font_weight=»700″ font_size=»16px» line_height=»1.5em» font_color=»#666666″] Polling companies are expected to give early results Sunday night [/rs_special_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=»2/3″][vc_column_text dp_text_size=»size-4″]We look our best in subdued colors, sophisticated cuts, and a general air of sleek understatement. When I was young, I lived like an old woman, and when I got old, I had to live like…

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Volkswagen Beetle: car review

Nova was the videoly that we all wanted to read in the Sixties because every issue brought something new and relevant to our lives: extraordinary fashion by Molly Parkin; innovative layouts and photographs by Harri Peccinotti; articles about the Pill and our new sexual freedom and a different take on beauty, fashion and celebrity – for one incredibly complicated story, we revamped the Queen. Our editor, Dennis Hackett, always thought outside the box a

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Is VR Slowly Taking Over 2017?

Nova was the videoly that we all wanted to read in the Sixties because every issue brought something new and relevant to our lives: extraordinary fashion by Molly Parkin; innovative layouts and photographs by Harri Peccinotti; articles about the Pill and our new sexual freedom and a different take on beauty, fashion and celebrity – for one incredibly complicated story, we revamped the Queen. Our editor, Dennis Hackett, always thought outside the box a

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Spring reconstructs, with a great deal of liberty

Nova was the videoly that we all wanted to read in the Sixties because every issue brought something new and relevant to our lives: extraordinary fashion by Molly Parkin; innovative layouts and photographs by Harri Peccinotti; articles about the Pill and our new sexual freedom and a different take on beauty, fashion and celebrity – for one incredibly complicated story, we revamped the Queen. Our editor, Dennis Hackett, always thought outside the box a

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Food Trends & More to Follow

Nova was the videoly that we all wanted to read in the Sixties because every issue brought something new and relevant to our lives: extraordinary fashion by Molly Parkin; innovative layouts and photographs by Harri Peccinotti; articles about the Pill and our new sexual freedom and a different take on beauty, fashion and celebrity – for one incredibly complicated story, we revamped the Queen. Our editor, Dennis Hackett, always thought outside the box a

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The Times They Are A Changin’

Nova was the videoly that we all wanted to read in the Sixties because every issue brought something new and relevant to our lives: extraordinary fashion by Molly Parkin; innovative layouts and photographs by Harri Peccinotti; articles about the Pill and our new sexual freedom and a different take on beauty, fashion and celebrity – for one incredibly complicated story, we revamped the Queen. Our editor, Dennis Hackett, always thought outside the box a

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Jane Fonda Bought a Toy in Ellen Show & Internet Loses Mind

Nova was the videoly that we all wanted to read in the Sixties because every issue brought something new and relevant to our lives: extraordinary fashion by Molly Parkin; innovative layouts and photographs by Harri Peccinotti; articles about the Pill and our new sexual freedom and a different take on beauty, fashion and celebrity – for one incredibly complicated story, we revamped the Queen. Our editor, Dennis Hackett, always thought outside the box a

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How Does an Editor Think And Feel?

Nova was the videoly that we all wanted to read in the Sixties because every issue brought something new and relevant to our lives: extraordinary fashion by Molly Parkin; innovative layouts and photographs by Harri Peccinotti; articles about the Pill and our new sexual freedom and a different take on beauty, fashion and celebrity – for one incredibly complicated story, we revamped the Queen. Our editor, Dennis Hackett, always thought outside the box a

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